Doony, Sangter, Pudina Chutney

Tot batta ta adgrok haakh is an authentic combination known since ancient times but it is sone pe suhaaga if eaten with doony chutney. It takes only five minutes to prepare if ingredients are ready. You can prepare chutney by following method.

  1. 200 g pudina leaves (mint leaves).
  2. 10 akhrot (walnuts).
  3. 1"x 1" orange chilka (orange peeling).
  4. 15 medium saboot laal mirchi (red whole chillies).
  5. Salt to taste.
  6. 1 mortar, 1 hammar /  1 electric grinder.
  1. Clean and wash pudina, akhrot, mirchi and santre ka chilka.
  2. Put the ingredients, in small parts, in the mortar and grind with hammar till soft.
  3. Serve and enjoy the taste of chutney with rice.
